north wood blooms LLC

sponsor a stem

sponsor a stem

spreading beauty, joy and kindness

in collaboration with melanie’s mission

what is sponsor a stem?

Sponsor a Stem is a Kindness Campaign that gifts a single wooden rose to an appreciated member of the community that could use an extra smile this time of year. 2024 recipients include first responders of Langlade County, residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and their caregivers.

Women Holding Red Heart Close up

A Random Act of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17. We delivery a single wooden flower to deserving community members in our area.,

A Delivery of Appreciation

When we deliver the flowers, it shows the first responders, caregivers and residents that they are appreciated and worthy of kindness.

Cultivating Community

Members of the NWB online and local community love following along and being a part of a bigger act of kindness than they could do on their own. We are in this together!

Supporting a Great Cause

This year $1 from every sponsored stem will be donated to the Cerebral Palsy Foundation through Melanie’s Mission of Antigo, WI

We have chosen to partner with Melanie’s Mission this year because our missions to spread kindness truly align with the intention of making a difference for people that make a difference!




Melanie’s Mission was created in honor of Melanie’s Mom, Rose. It is to spread awareness of the importance of competent, caring and kind caregivers. “We are all caregivers on some level - even if unpaid for our own family and friends.”

Melanie’s Mission hopes to celebrate caregivers and those who rely on them for support.

Fundraising Efforts:

This year, Melanie’s Mission will fundraise and donate to the Cerebral Palsy Foundation. The Cerebral Palsy Foundation has a mission to be a catalyst for creating positive change for people with cerebral palsy.

How melanie raises funds:

Melanie’s Mission raises funds through the sales of her T-shirts, and in partnership with North Wood Blooms LLC with special mission-based floral designs - as well as our Sponsor A Stem Campaign.

Support Melanie’s Mission for Kindness and Caregiving:

Purchase Melanie’s Mission T-shirts here

Sponsor a Stem as a Random Act of Kindness

Order a Melanie’s Mission Bouquet

Watch Melanie’s YouTube Video